1. Monocrystalline Solar Panels

Monocrystalline solar panels have cells that are made up of singular silicone crystals. Aesthetically, you may recognise these panels as the ones with a black hue! They’re commonly used in residential areas, with a lifespan of 25 years to 40 years.

  • Efficient. The single crystal cells allow more electricity into your home. As a result, you don’t have to have a lot of panels on your roof to make solar energy possible.
  • High power output. Investing in monocrystalline solar panels allows you to have a guarantee of high power for your home!
  • Costly. Expenses will rack up high with monocrystalline panels. You also have to consider added expenses such as inverters, installation, and wiring.

2. Polycrystalline Solar Panels

In contrast to monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline panels contain multiple silicone crystals in one cell. Instead of a black hue, polycrystalline panels give off a blue hue. Their lifespan is typically shorter, ranging from 25 to 35 years.

  • Budget-friendly. In comparison to monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline ones are more affordable without compromising quality. For those targeting a mid-tier market with solar panels, this type is your best bet.
  • New polycrystalline solar panels boosted in performance. Recently, polycrystalline solar panels are on par with monocrystalline ones with a boost in power and performance. You won’t go wrong with the more affordable choice.
  • Less guarantee of efficiency. Multiple silicone crystals in one cell don’t spell out the best efficiency for solar panels. As a result, you might need a lot more solar panels on your roof to get the power you need.

3. Thin-film Solar Panels

Thin-film solar panels are modern, economical solar panels made up of different materials. You can choose from Cadmium-Telluride, non-crystalline, and CIGS (Copper, Indium, Gallium, Selenide) panels! All three types are powerful conductors, but Cadmium-Telluride contains toxic substances.

These panels are sleek, flexible, and lightweight. They come with their own benefits and drawbacks:

  • Affordable. From the three types of solar panels, thin-film ones are the cheapest! If you want the benefits of solar panels without breaking the bank, you can try out thin-film solar panels first.
  • Best temperature coefficient. They won’t be that affected by high temperatures! They’ll retain their power output no matter how hot it may get.
  • Lacks efficiency. Thin-film solar panels are also the most inefficient. They won’t convert much solar power into electricity, so you might need a lot of panels in order to make it work.

What About Hunter Solar Solutions?

Hunter Solar Solutions offers monocrystalline solar panels. Monocrystalline panels are the best and most efficient ones you can get for solar energy, and Hunter Solar Solutions strives for quality performance every time.

Here’s what our solar panels and modules can do for you:
  • Certified quality. With exclusive testing and Salt Mist Corrosion certification for corrosion and ammonia resistance, Hunter Solar Solutions provides quality products that other institutions will vouch for anytime.
  • Increased power and performance. CELLO technology works with low light and high temperature performance! HSS enables its products to generate power no matter the circumstance, proving lasting efficiency. Plus, anti-reflective coating increases energy output.
  • For all weather. Whether it’s low-light, a sunny day, an hour of extreme winds or a week of snow, Q.Antum cell technology can withstand it with more power yields.
  • Enduring. High-performing technology combined with 12-year product warranties and 25-year linear performance warranties make a long-lasting product you can rely on for a long time.


The best solar panel for you will vary depending on your needs, budget, and personal preferences. Take everything into account and remember that solar panels are a long-term investment! If you’re in a rut and can’t figure out which solar panel to go for, just remember this article. We’re here to help make the process easier!

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