Express Quote & Design Request
Get a Quick Quote & Design
If you would like a quick design and quote with no call, please complete the below form and upload a photo of your switchboard and energy bill.
We will use your provided bill to determine the size of your system, if you would like a quote for a specific size please specify.
This option will provide you with a system and quote designed by one of our experts, if you would like a much more in-depth process including a site visit and run through with a sales technician to answer all your questions, please enquire through the Contact Us page.

Contact Details
Office Hours
Monday: 8am – 4pm
Tuesday: 8am – 4pm
Wednesday: 8am – 4pm
Thursday: 8am – 4pm
Friday: 8am – 4pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
CEC Accreditation: A7636302
Electrical Licence: 275147C
ABN: 49 601 275 503
How To Find Us